Share Your Stories

We’d love to hear what you say about your parenting experience. Anything that adds value to our global community of loving parents is welcomed at BabiesRead.

We’re always excited to read and publish your submissions. However, only top pieces of well-written content that meet the publishing guidelines mentioned below go live. Read the following guideline carefully before sending us your blog posts:

Submission Guideline

  • We accept high-quality submissions with minimum grammatical errors and at least three attached stock images (images taken personally are preferred).
  • The minimum word limit of your piece should be above 500. We don’t generally prefer you to write two or three thousand words on a topic that needs no more than 500 words to get explained.
  • We use Copyscape to check the originality of your submission, so make sure it is unique.
  • The submission must be relevant to what we cover on our website, i.e., parenting, product reviews, comparisons, and more.
  • Notice: We don’t sell, rent or allow backlinks. This is not your traditional guest posting site. Our vision is to share original information with our readers, and we’re committed to it. Please do not contact us if you’re looking for a backlink.
  • Personal parenting experiences as a dad or dad-to-be or a mom or mom-to-be are highly encouraged. We believe sharing this information will be a helpful resource for other readers going through a similar experience.


  • No political or religious opinions.
  • If you want your name to be featured on our site, send us your name and photo with your email address or website link (This must be your site, not an affiliate or eCommerce site).

It would take some time for us to publish your post, given that we receive hundreds of post requests every day – but once we’re done evaluating your submission, we’ll publish it and notify you through an email.

If your post fails to meet the standard requirements, we’ll inform you via email so that you can pursue a publication elsewhere. However, if we cannot reply within three weeks of your submission, this would mean that your publication was not a good fit for our website.

Once you’ve ensured that your content abides by all the above guidelines, click on the button below to share your stories.

Want To Learn More Before Sharing Your Story?