About BabiesRead

BabiesRead is designed purely out of love with only one objective: to help parents cherish moments with their little ones worldwide.

Hello, I’m Nabeel, the owner of this small family-owned business. I’ve created BabiesRead with the sole purpose of providing knowledge, tips, product recommendations, reviews, ideas, and the best parenting advice and let you decide for yourself what’s best for your little one so that you can cherish moments with your little one knowing what needs to be done to keep them smiling and happy.

What got me into starting BabiesRead?

Well, it was 2020 when I got a call from my wife, who told me she was pregnant. The moment I heard the news, I felt something I’d never felt before as it was the first time.

I felt as if a part of me was going to enter the world precisely nine months from now, but instantly these thoughts filled my mind – Am I prepared for such big a responsibility? Am I going to be the best father I’ve always dreamt of becoming?

As a content marketing manager in a tech company who was on top of his game, I immediately set my curiosity aside and told myself how hard it could be, and what I found was the opposite.

I was gifted with a baby girl, and I have to say that tears came out of nowhere when I first held her in my arms.

Let’s skip right to the middle of the story when my wife was in her 2nd trimester, and we started shopping for our little one. At that time, I thought sticking to the retailers, supermarkets, or wholesalers would be a great option.

Instead, we spent hours looking for quality products for our firstborn and rarely saw something enthralling or unique that could give us confidence that I was buying the right products.

At that moment, I realized that this problem needed to be solved.

There has to be a better way, so I got to work by leveraging my content marketing skills combined with my passion for writing, distributing, and sharing highly researched and valuable content.

I planned to launch BabiesRead the day my baby girl entered the world. And exactly a year after, on her birthday, BabiesRead went live. So what was the one-year gap all about?

I wanted to experience parenting first.

I wanted to see the challenges parents face with their babies globally. So after a year of taking care of my baby, choosing the best products for her, and planning her schedule amazingly while keeping my schedule efficient, I finally decided it was time.

I thank the internet for giving me a voice that millions worldwide can hear. I aim to make BabiesRead a global brand that can help billions with quality, realistic, H2H (human to human), personally experienced, and deep-rooted guidance every day.

This is a father of a beautiful little girl “Amina,” who is on the move to explore new products, give you heavily researched and tested parenting advice, and share much other stuff to help you on your journey with your little ones.



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